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Nitro Reward System new

Reward Members with a Redeemable Code

Ashiro first came to me with ideas about a system for rewarding his community members for actively boosting the community Guild Discord server.

The Guild owner wanted a system that would direct message a member on a Nitro boost and send that member a special code that they could then use in the community gaming server for a small reward in-game.

As with most monitory reward systems, Ashiro didn't want to make the system "Pay 2 Win"; but instead a personal thank you and recognition of there contribution to the Guild Discord server via a small reward.

The technicals of this Discord bot are that it will detect a change in the Guild member state on a Nitro boost, once the Discord bots internal code is satisfied that the Guild member is now an active Nitro booster, it will then add them to a MySQL database for recurring rewards.

Some of the nicer features of this Discord bot is that it will remove old messages from Direct messages, so that the end user does not have a wall of text greeting them; Detection if a Guild member is refusing Direct messages and so on...

Very satisfied with Huskiez, aside from the fact that he helped me out bigtime, with making a personalized option for a discord bot, but he actually got mental with it!
by Ashiro#1000

voice chat bot

Discord Voice Channel Management

Voice Chat Bot eliminates countless unused voice channels and generates voice channels for your community members when it is needed; Channels are automaticity removed upon the last member leaving the channel.

Your community members can join a permanent voice channel called "Join to Create Channel" by default; that allows them to generate a new voice channel, this then allows them to manage it using various commands in a permanent text channel called #commands.

With a built in permission system for staff members in your community, it allows moderation to be applied more easily.

This bot also accepts Discord ID's as well as @Mentions when calling certain commands; This allows members and staff members to execute commands on a given member more discretely avoiding awkward engagements.

Quite a simple but efficient bot for voice chat generation, works well and rarely runs into bumps
by Yoshi#9999
Simple and very easy to use
by RayanAssassin1#1296
The best voice bot I've ever used. Works flawlessly and makes the server look and feel professional. 10/10 would highly recommend
by Hiro#0002
Tons of features from open and locking the voice channel, blacklisting a user and even the ability to find a certain vc with a mention! incredible mind 11/10 salad mania
by TMB Hellfire#1234

daily deals

Grab and Track Steam Games

Steam based Discord Bot allowing for the retrieval of the latest Steam game deals currently on Steam.

With the use of a dedicated text channel, an entire list of discounted Steam games are dumped into said text channel, with clean and simply formatting that allows for quick understanding of the current deals, including; Discount percentage, current price, before price, hyperlinked and an image of the game.

There is also the ability to alter the currency depending on the guild/members preference.

Built-in tracking system for Steam games, you have the ability to message the Discord bot directly via Direct messaging to track a game of your choice by defining to track a Steam item via Price or Discount.

quote bot

Quote Members phrases, also with quizzing feature

Be careful what you say when this Discord bot is in your guild.

Gives the ability to quote members of a Discord guild. With a built-in light weight Database system that allows quotes that are submitted to the Discord bot to be recorded and saved for later recall making for some interesting reactions and laughs in your guild.

With a built-in Quizzing function for quotes that have currently been submitted. The Quiz will retrieve a random set of quotes from the Database and present them as question with a total of 3 possible answers, this quiz function is multi-player and because it is reaction based, it is a "fingers on your buzzers" type of situation.

Brought peace to our world. J/K. Top notch bot though. Bot immortalizes all our stupid regrettable comments. 10/10
by NeonRubberDucky#8902

melon bot

Reaction based Role Assignment

Melon Bot is a simply but fast and effective reaction based role assignment bot.

Role assignment requires a level of permission on a Discord guild in order to assign roles to a member, with reaction based bot there is no need for a member to have any permissions; a member simply has to click a reaction on a detailed message explaining what each reaction is responsibly for and what roles will be given upon there given reaction to the message.

A member is given the role corresponding to the given reaction without a Staff members needed to be involved. The opposite is true by un-reacting to the message, the role is then removed.

The Bot was simple to set up with in depth instructions, included useful ability's like repair (incase anything breaks) 10/10
by TMB Hellfire#1234

huggez bot

Post a Random gif image of Hugs via Command

We all need a hug sometimes, with this Discord bot you can get one on demand at any time, how nice is that?

Command based request for a hug 24/7, every time a member submits a request for a hug, the Discord bot will respond with a random gif image to appease that members request.

mail notifier

Retrieve Mail from a Contact form

Setting up an Email address forwarding or paying for a custom Email domain hosting can get costly :/

With this bot there is no need, have your contact form submit to a MySQL database and then watch the Discord bot do the rest. The bot will Check every second for new mail, and because privacy is important, the bot will only notify you via direct message that you have new Mail without giving out details just in-case you're sharing your screen.

In-order to read the new mail, you need to Direct message the Discord bot the command '.read' and only then will the bot give you a full list of all your Mail from your database.

Nothing here yet...


There should be something here, but there is not, you know why? Because I can't find any of my files :<

So I made this instead, should give you an idea!